Friday, July 3, 2009

Land of the Free, Because of the Brave

As I have reflected on this beautiful place where I live, I can't help but feel so very blessed for the freedoms that I take for granted everyday. In this post I want to pay tribute to many people in my life that have, and are serving our country, and all of us so bravely.

Both My dad, and Aaron's served in military positions, as well as many Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. Both in times of war, and peace. In the states, and abroad. I am, and will always be grateful for their sacrifices for us and our country.

However, I can't seem to get someone out of my head. My brother in law Rawlin is in the National Guard, and has served many activations during the past few years. Rawlin, Shelly, and their kids have sacrificed so much for our country.

Rawlin spent a year in Iraq helping those people gain their Independence. I can't imagine being as far away as he was, and missing as much as he did. The one semi-positive was the advancements in communications. Can you imagine during any other war waiting weeks inbetween letters? The toll that must have taken on both soldiers, and their families would be unbearable. During that time my nephew Kaden was the man of the house. What a true little soldier. I love this picture of Kaden. He has such a brave look on his face, scared but ready to take on this challenge.

Seeing all that their family went through during that time has made me appreciate him so much more. So THANK YOU Rawlin for your service, and all others who so bravely, and often times without much thanks and support serve our country. Rawlin, I love you, and am so proud to call you my brother!

I am not usually a political person, however the direction that our country is headed does scare me. But I believe that as long as we have our freedom, freedom of speech, freedom to worship our own God, and that we have brave men and women who choose to protect and serve this great country...we'll be alright.


Jeron & Brook said...

Thank you Kristi! Thank you for the reminder of why we have what we have! Please tell your brother THANK YOU from the Collins Clan. And to all the others who have fought for my freedom I say THANK YOU to you as well!

rawlin said...

kristi, you're too nice. Shelly and the boys deserve all the credit. I think they had it worse than I did.