Tonight I found my lil guy on the computer. Instead of looking at toys, and trying to condense his Christmas list which consists of among other things a Nintendo DS like I had suggested he do. I asked him what he was up to, and he told me that he was writing "His side of the story." It is too sweet not to post. I love this boy with everything that I am. He is my first, my peacemaker. Karson is such a great friend always kind to everyone. He also has personality plus. I am so grateful to be his mom! So without further adeaus...

My side
By: Karson Kunz
My favorite things are soccer, videogames, iceskating, pokemoncards, and bakugan.
My motto … ride to success.
My favorite movies how to train your dragon, pokemon, bakugan, last but not least hatching pete.
My favorite foods hot and sour soup, mushrooms, tomato basile, and indianfood.
My family… dad: Aaron Mom: Kristi sis: Abby who got her tonsils out 4 days ago and Bro: Luke.
My dogs are gentile giants but sometimes rough.
There names: Mack, and Graci.
Im in 4th grade. I have a good Teacher named Mrs.Whinam.
My friend Joal is teaching me the basics of football.
I love word searches. When Im mad they calm me down.
My favorite stuffed animals… TREEKO, YOYO, AND SCOTTY.
My favorite animals… mantarays, and trantulas.
My favorite holiday is Chirstmas,
My best friend is named Corbin Latimer but I don’t get to see him much because he lives in West Jordan and I live in South Weber but we see eachother every once in a while.
Myfavorite videogames are: ps3, ps2, gameboy, bakugan, starwars, skidoo, ememarld, and spiro.
My favorite books are: Percy Jackson, hunger games, and leven thumps.
My favorite color is turquoise and green.
My least favorite Math: algebra my favorite math: addition.
I go to school in the 3 through 6 building because im not 1, 2, or3
My favorite board games are pokemon monopoly, and battle
I love to swim and sing.
My goal is to grow to 5’6 so I can get a celphone.
Im saving up for a ds and games.
My best friends are: Jackson Floyde, Kaleb Zick, Joal Jennings, Keldan Vanleer,Taylor Hatch, austyn Weaver, and best of all Corbin Latimer.
In my spare time I play my red electric guitar.
At recess I play bench tag. The bench is base and if you touch the middle base your it. But if you do it on purpose your not it. The date is 11/19/10