What a treat I had last week. Mom is down in Ivins, and dad is living a bachelor lifestyle for the moment. With church and household responsibilities, he has not had as much "Freetime" as he thought he would have. But the kids and I were able to benefit from a super fun visit.
Those of you who know dad also know that he very much dislikes sleeping away from home. But he was coming up to visit Mel and her kids, and then we had planned a bike ride for the next day...so I offered to have him sleepover. Well....hold on to your briches.....HE SAID "I'll do it." So we had a very fun night with the kids and then with a lil help from Sis, and a great neighbor who had the kids, dad and I were able to take a ride up the Weber/Morgan canyon, and then around to Huntsville, and then coming out in Ogden Canyon.
Being on the bike always makes me appreciate the beautiful gifts that our Heavenly Father has surrounded up with. And I could not beat the company. I am so surprised that the pictures turned out because most of them were taken while we were riding. We ended up at Madox Restaurant in Brigham city. WOW!! I had never been there. The food was wonderful, we ended with the best peach pie ever. We loaded up some fresh Brigham City peaches in the saddle bags (the ones on the bike...not mine :)), and headed back.
Thank you dad for such a memorable day. I love you so much, and am so grateful for these times that we can share together...just you and me. Can't wait for our road trip!