Thursday, February 12, 2009


So, I am finally getting around to posting some pics of the fun day we had with Aaron cousin and his family that visited over Christmas from Minnesota. Hockey is really big in Minnesota. Aaron played in High School, and College, and is teaching Karson to skate to hopefully get involved in the future. After watching Conner skate (he plays in Minnesota) Karson really wants to get better.
This is Conner, Courtney, and Karson at the Olympic Oval.

This is Jerry holding Luke, and his wife Michelle. Luke was VERY crabby that day...but all kids love Jerry!!!

The kids skated pretty well. Abby was loving the little walker/balancer they had. It really helped her alot, and she was just about able to keep up with the other kids. Conner was so cute to watch, and stay by her.

This is how Luke was for just about the whole two hours. Very Pleasant!!

I love this one, Abby towards the end was practicing some figure skating moves. Too cute.

We had such a great time with them, and wish we could see them alot more often.

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